Wednesday, 21 August 2019

PE & I assignment questions and question bank(CIE-I)

Sub Name: Power Electronics & Instrumentation                  Subject Code: 18EC36 Academic Year:2019-20                                                     Sem : III A&B
                                    Assignment questions
1)      Mention and explain the different types of power electronic converter systems.                                                                                                                - CO1
2)      Sketch V-I characteristics of an SCR and explain latching current, holding current and Break over voltage.                        `                                                           - CO1
3)      Identify the reliable voltages and current limits used to operate the SCR in safe operating region by referring gate characteristics of SCR.                - CO2
4)      Compare  natural and forced commutation and explain class-A self-commutation with the help of neat sketch.                                                             - CO1
5)      With circuit diagram & output waveform analyze the turning ON of the SCR by using RC firing circuit.                                                                          - CO3
6)      With circuit diagram & output waveform analyze the turning ON of the SCR by using UJT firing circuit.

1)      Explain the operation of step down chopper(with necessary circuit and waveform) and determine the average and RMS output voltage.                   -CO4
2)      Explain working principle of step-up/down chopper and derive the expression for average output voltage.                                                                        -CO1
3)      With circuit diagram & output waveform analyze the performance of single phase full wave controlled rectifier feeding inductive load.                     -CO3
4)      Explain the operation of single phase half wave controlled rectifier (with necessary circuit and waveform) and determine the average and RMS load voltage.                                                                                                                -CO4

Sub Name: Power Electronics & Instrumentation                  Subject Code: 18EC36 Academic Year:2019-20                                                     Sem : III A&B
                                                Question Bank
    1. With the help of neat block diagram explain power electronic system. - CO1
    2. Mention and explain the different types of power electronic converter systems.                                                                                                                - CO1
    3. Sketch V-I characteristics of an SCR and explain latching current, holding current and Break over voltage.                        `                                                      - CO1
    4. Identify the reliable voltages and current limits used to operate the SCR in safe operating region by referring gate characteristics of SCR.         - CO2
  1. Mention and explain various turn on methods used to turn on SCR, which is universal method and why?                                                                         - CO1
  2. Explain the turn-off mechanism of SCR with necessary waveform. - CO1 
  3. Compare  natural and forced commutation and explain class-A self-commutation with the help of neat sketch.                                                             - CO1
  4. Explain the operation of class-B self-commutation with the help of circuit diagram and waveforms.
  5. With circuit diagram & output waveform analyze the turning ON of the SCR by using RC firing circuit.                                                                          - CO3
  6. With circuit diagram & output waveform analyze the turning ON of the SCR by using UJT firing circuit.
1.      Explain the operation of step down chopper(with necessary circuit and waveform) and determine the average and RMS output voltage.                   -CO4
  1. Explain working principle of step-up/down chopper and derive the expression for average output voltage.                                                                        -CO1
  2. Explain working principle of step up chopper and derive the expression for average output voltage.                                                                                              -CO1
4.      Explain working principle of step-up/down chopper and derive the expression for average output voltage.                                                                        -CO1
5.      With circuit diagram & output waveform analyze the performance of single phase full wave controlled rectifier feeding inductive load.                     -CO3
6.      Explain the operation of single phase half wave controlled rectifier (with necessary circuit and waveform) and determine the average and RMS load voltage.                                                                                                                -CO4
7.      Analyze the effect of freewheeling diode in half wave rectifier with necessary circuit diagram and waveform.                                                       -CO3

PE & I syllabus